Over on the comments section of G'Day World, Gary pointed me to this article about Channel 7 news reader Naomi Robson. The article links to this video of some of her finest moments. I especially love the bit when she says to camera:
“and if you believe that, then you’re as dumb as I think you all are”
which, actually, makes me like her a lot more. Of course, this is nothing compared to her famous " six fucks" soundbite.
There is a youtube version of the Video if you prefer (its on my site here: http://www.mollyzine.com/mollyzine/2006/05/naomi_robson_yo.html)
There really is only one thing to say:
"Hmmm... Martin Di Stasio with that report."
Posted by: Phillip Molly Malone | Tuesday, May 09, 2006 at 09:52 AM
"hmmm I think there's something in that for all of us, don't you?"
Posted by: Cameron Reilly | Tuesday, May 09, 2006 at 10:11 AM
Watching it again, I had two thoughts...
1. Wow someone in the crew must really hate her. This is obviously an inside job.
2. If she was like that ON AIR... I would watch the show. Far more interesting that the usual drivel Channel 7 News puts out!
Posted by: Cameron Reilly | Tuesday, May 09, 2006 at 10:14 AM
I would expect that several people in the crew really hate her, from all reports she's quite an unpleasent person. Plus she's so much fun to hate.
Posted by: Miriam Parkinson | Tuesday, May 09, 2006 at 10:42 AM
To back up Miriam's comments, listen to the MP3!
Posted by: Phillip Molly Malone | Tuesday, May 09, 2006 at 11:00 AM
She looks like my ex's Mum...
Posted by: Stephen Edgar | Tuesday, May 09, 2006 at 11:16 PM
Stephen... ouch! "So here's to you Naomi Robson, Stephen loves you more than you would know... oh oh oh ..."
Posted by: Cameron Reilly | Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 12:26 AM
Being the person that Naomi frames to look like Australias Worst Tourist,Conman, Namely by following me around and paying whoever happens to be around me at the time to tell lies on my behalf after telling them that as soon as find out ill get paid off so will never know I know for a fact that Naomi thinks we`are all dumb,not only that im proof for those of you that are interested,yes thats right the when Naomi was on air telling ppl its ok to harrass me because I didnt have any friends(the network had bought off everyone prior to airing the ads, it infact wasnt the as the Queensland Police Service along with FraudBC and Channel 7 executives are well aware and hoping that I cannot get this information out,I can produce numerous tapes that show not only did I complain to the police of the harrassment at the time and then caught them lying to protect Naomi(thats the real reason I cant complain because the police wont talk to me about it without a solicitor now that Ive caught them)Because of this and other factors Ive decided to do my bit to clean up the industry and am now offering a $1000.00 reward for the first person who comes forward to help me have Naomi stood down,I realise some of you may`ve thought the money she`s offering to keep her job when I find out would be enough but alas no I want nothing more then to be known as the man who exposed her and hopefully went some way to clearing my own name in the process,they arent scared of being sued for the illegal way they got me on air they`re scared of me being put in a position to publicly expose the interviews,as I intend to ask for their broadcasting licence for this,something I suspect they already know because anyone who meets me and hears my side of the story has to be given a role for the next show eg taping their conversations with me and going on air pretending to be one of my many victims,if this riles you half as much as it does me and you hold human rights in a country such as ours sacred even those of a person as villified as me,then drop me an an email and together we can end her reign of terror.
P.S I bet she pretends she was conned by the people she paid to go on air and lie (the so called competitors) and once again knows nothing about it,am I the only one who thinks that maybe Naomi is too Naive for a current affairs and no longer has any place in Journalism
Posted by: violated victim | Sunday, July 23, 2006 at 12:45 PM
Wow the world's longest sentence. Maybe you should send Cam a msg and tell your side of the story on a Cam exclusive, with your lawyer present of course.
Posted by: Tony | Monday, July 24, 2006 at 12:53 AM
All of a sudden I find myself liking Naomi Robson.
I never had much time for her before, but now she seems more real.
It looks like the other channel dobbed her in to the Indonesians.
Posted by: Garry Batt | Sunday, September 17, 2006 at 07:47 AM
Yeah this whole wawa affair is classic, isn't it? War of the tabloid news shows.
Posted by: Cameron Reilly | Sunday, September 17, 2006 at 09:22 AM
where can i view the naomi robson tapes,i will show any one i know who watches her crap and believes that said crap to be true,she is o.k its the people who watch the crap or buy the products advertised that cause all this!What is one to do?
Posted by: dan | Thursday, September 21, 2006 at 10:13 PM
I would just like to say that you're all fuckwits.
I am a proper journo.
And im PRETTY.
Posted by: Naomi Robson, Today Tonight | Friday, September 29, 2006 at 07:06 PM
is the comment above for real ... (chuckles)
the only point i would make is if anyone saw robson upon her arrival after the indonesian affair, u cannot fail to realise how brainless this girl really is. without an autocue, she has nothing intelligent to say. when asked what was the most disappointing thing about her trip to indonesia, she responded with a vague, and what she obviously thought was intellectual, "i cant really say". it fell to one of her fellow crew members to salvage the situation to point out the real tragedy of not being able to save wah wah. she did look pretty though...
Posted by: te caco | Tuesday, November 07, 2006 at 11:08 PM