I've been toying with the idea of starting a podcast about podcasting. Kind of like D.Ro's blog about blogging.
Anyway, if I do, then this email from Van (from TPN's Geeks of Hazzard cast) to his idol Warren Ellis will be my #1 example of how to get famous people on your show as a guest.
Ladies and Gentlemen - I present to you - Case Study #1.
From: van <[email protected]> Mailed-By: gmail.com To: warrene@....Date: Mar 1, 2006 10:06 PMSubject: Carn, Warren, get on an Aussie podcast.
Shit. I had some kind of clever arsekissing greeting all set out, and then Firefox crashed on me. NOT SO CLEVER NOW, EH FIREFOX? Arsehat.
Anyway. I've read a few of your rags, right. You know; Planetary, The Authority, Transmet, so on and so forth. Not everything, because I no longer live and breathe comics and can these days frankly take them or leave them. I'm off to a good start here, right? Really warming you to the idea of letting me interview you on my podcast, I can tell. But what I've read of your work figures right up there with Ennis, Moore, Miller, Liefeld, etcetera.
Haha, Liefeld.
So the podcast. It's called The Geeks of Hazzard ( http://geeksofhazzard.thepodcastnetwork.com (podcasts are running out of good names almost as fast as superheroes)), it's a part of The Podcast Network ( http://www.thepodcastnetwork .com ), and it's hosted by myself - Van - and a buddy of mine, Kev. We're a couple of geeks who bitch and moan about this and that, and we're hoping that GoldenPalace.com will one day sponsor us to piss various slogans on Kev's living room wall.
We have, you know, a bunch of listeners. Is that shit important to you? I guess I can email you a bunch of those ugly stats that advertising executives like to circle jerk over, but you don't strike me as the sort to watch that kind of shit.
This is too much typing, and I don't care if you're Warren Ellis, I've got circle jerking to go watch.
If you're interested - in the PODCAST, you foul man - let me know and I guess we'll sort something out. I don't have people for your people to talk to, so we'll just have to arrange it between ourselves.
Cheers and all that.
- Van
Is it an example of a good or bad way to get people on the show or are you still waiting for the response to know the answer to that question?
Posted by: Phillip Molly Malone | Thursday, March 02, 2006 at 08:35 AM
it's brilliant, who cares if he comes on or not? If he does, he's a legend. If he doesn't, frak him. Van is da man.
Posted by: Cameron Reilly | Thursday, March 02, 2006 at 08:38 AM
So is this pretty much the same sort email you sent Chompski (however you spell it. Can't be bothered looking it up, I am sitting here on the phone to E-trade in the US for the last 40 odd minutes waiting for a fucking operator to help me set up my account to sell some shares to pay the deposit on a house I just bought. FUCKKKKKK).
Posted by: Phillip Molly Malone | Thursday, March 02, 2006 at 08:47 AM
Well that is diffently a way to asking someone one. I think QDog or Chris asked him to come on (Cool) Shite some time ago but didn't get a response (but my brain might be fragged on that memory). Good luck, and pas on his details of you have any success.. we want to worship him to on our cast :-)
Posted by: Bruce Moyle | Thursday, March 02, 2006 at 10:57 AM
Awesome. Rings of gonzo-marketing-esque stuff by Chris Locke, aka RageBoy.
Posted by: Richard Giles | Thursday, March 02, 2006 at 12:48 PM
Hahah. I tend to shape my communications by what I perceive of the person, and it's only when I know I'll be unphased by a rejection that I'm willing to take this approach. I love Ellis's work, but I won't cry if he doesn't come on.
I also have an approach that echoes what Cam said about -- If they're not the kind of person to respond positively to what is in my opinion a blatantly fun and carefree approach to communicating, then they're most likely not my kind of people in the first place and I was mistaken in wanting to speak to them.
Posted by: van | Thursday, March 02, 2006 at 02:20 PM
Perception and reality are sometimes two vastly different things, Van. Also, it's rather odd to really dig someone but then decide that you were, "mistaken in wanting to speak to them," if they don't like the approach. I mean, c'mon, could you get anymore "I'm taking my bat and ball and going home..." about it? Why not be honest and conclude the a person is still great whether they thought the approach sucked or not?
Posted by: Rob Irwin | Thursday, March 02, 2006 at 04:01 PM
Ignore Rob, Van. He's an embittered journalist and doesn't get our zany sense of humour.
Posted by: Cameron Reilly | Thursday, March 02, 2006 at 09:22 PM
Hahaha no, you make a good point Rob. Reading over what I said, it sounds more like I'm saying that anyone who doesn't want to talk to me obviously isn't worth the time of day, and how narcissistic is that! Certainly wasn't my meaning and I should have picked my words better. As I'm not entirely sure - looking back on it - what I meant, I'll just pull the line all together.
Posted by: van | Thursday, March 02, 2006 at 10:22 PM
Cam, embittered, moi?!? ;-)
Van, I can't put words in your mouth, but I think I know what you meant... it just sounded odd, the way you said it!
Posted by: Rob Irwin | Friday, March 03, 2006 at 10:29 AM
WTF is this wbsite i wanted to listen to famous peoples podcast like the sprousebros but this is seriously gay
full on crap!
Posted by: hoggyboggy | Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at 10:44 PM