Some common sense (finally) from the High Court of Australia. It's reported today that Eddy Stevens has won against Sony in their appeal against the Federal Court's ruling which had previously found it wasn't illegal to mod a PS2 console.
The High Court unanimously allowed an appeal against an earlier finding in the Federal Court that Mr Steven's modifications to Sony PlayStation consoles were illegal.
Let's hope the High Court shows as much sense when the Sharman Networks appeal goes in front of the the bench sometime early in 2006.
I was chatting with Richard Giles late last night and mentioned that you commented on this story yet. Wasn't sure it was really your thing but it obviously is.
The interesting thing is will this also flow on to Xbox and maybe the Nintendo machines, but also future generation of players such as PS3 and Xbox360.
Posted by: Tony | Friday, October 07, 2005 at 08:49 AM