OK, I didn't want to have to do this. I'm a proud man. I don't like to ask for help. I don't like to have to beg. But here I am - begging. Forget Aceh. Forget Iraq. Your charity is needed here.
The G'Day World all-Aussie podcast needs a new hosting provider. Can you help? Do you know someone who can help?
We need a hosting solution that can handle 40-100Gb of uploads every week and NOT cost a bomb. We're happy to pay money, real folding stuff too, not the ones Mick makes on his printer, I'm talking cold hard worked-for (back when we had jobs) CASH. But not a LOT of cash. We'd prefer some sort of DEAL, c'mon, how many times in your life do you get a chance to sponsor one of the TOP TEN podcasts in the WORLD??? Can you help, do you know anyone who can help? We are desperate men.
Oh and that brings me to my 2nd point: we are NO LONGER one of the TOP TEN podcasts in the WORLD according to Podcast Alley. Tonight we were lapped by some newcomers and we're sitting at #12. Now, this makes me VERY VERY SAD. Not sad for myself or Mick, you understand, but SAD FOR YOU. Yes, that's right listeners, SAD FOR YOU. Stay with me here. If we aren't TOP TEN, then new listeners won't keep coming. If new listeners don't keep coming, we won't make any money out of this. If Mick and I don't make some money out of this (at least more than it's costing us), our wives (well, MY wife, Mick's mother) will make us go back out there and get real jobs. And THAT will mean we won't be able to make any more of these "gratuitously vulgar" shows (hehe Dave, couldn't resist) and then WHAT WILL YOU DO, HUH????? Oh suuuure, you can always go listen to OTHER podcasts, but... but... hmmm. Did I mention we'll have to go get real jobs and become wage-slaves again like the rest of you poor suckers??
Seems like you have chosen the wrong moment to ask for votes as it is currently down ... so perhaps set this call for help back and come back when it is up again?
plus you could use then one of this shiny 'vote here' forms on your page. ;)
Posted by: Nicole Simon (useful sounds) | Thursday, January 13, 2005 at 11:23 PM
I come bearing gifts. First of all, if you haven't checked out http://www.libsyn.com/ yet, you should. They're charging by space, not bandwidth, which is obviously ideal for podcasters. Another reason that I suggest you check them out is that they've approached me about sponsoring them. If they'd be willing to sponsor me and my audience of 100 or so listeners, surely they would leap at the chance to sponsor your podcast. You could probalby work out a deal with them. Secondly, I've pasted below a link to some code that you can add to your sidebar that will provide you with a form so that people can vote for your podcast right here from the site (once the voting is on again). Enjoy!
Posted by: Steve Dembo | Monday, January 17, 2005 at 06:46 PM